CorporateLeaders Blog

How to Create Content based on Intent for ABM Campaigns?

Written by Rochelle Shrestha | Jun 10, 2021 9:22:08 AM

If Content is king then intent data is queen, and this statement stands true for both B2B and B2C business models.

A buyer’s journey is paved upon the content resources and insights that prove the credibility of the product. 

However, the main struggle with content marketing is to make sure it serves the searcher’s intent.

That’s where Intent Data plays a vital role. Intent data of your website can be sourced from Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts integrated with your website.

According to a 2020 Demand Generation Benchmark Study, 51% of marketers are already using intent data to guide their campaigns; that means a little less than half of them are missing out on this valuable information.

Content Marketing strategies are based on intent data and analytics to nurture B2B prospects

They are also made together with ABM campaigns to better nurture prospects and build trust.

A content marketing plan based on intent data is more likely to engage the target personas or accounts and help achieve your goals.

You can create different types of content to support the prospect’s intent. The types of content that can fuel your content strategy are:

  1. Blog Posts
  2. E-books
  3. Case Studies
  4. White Papers
  5. Infographics
  6. Webinars
  7. Videos
  8. Podcasts

Okay, So...

How to gather content ideas based on intent data?

Understanding your audience’s intent builds the bridge for serving your prospect, “What they are looking for?”

A B2B buyer journey is largely influenced by emotional and rational motivations that are factored in while making a purchase. 

Marketers use the power of intent-based content to influence buyer journeys for closing more leads. 

You can monitor your target audience and their interests with the help of tools such as G2.

With the help of these tools, the buyers can educate themselves on the types of solutions they can use for their business and also shortlist products that suit their future preferences.

Here are 5 tips you can implement in your content marketing strategies to create content that serves your prospect’s intentions. 

1. Content that interests your potential buyer’s

Every buyer has a different buyer persona. 

Using the same type of content for all the buyers means your Account-Based Marketing Strategy is failing. 

Because it does not serve relevant content for all the buyers. 

A CMO is more interested in white papers that show the resourcefulness and credibility of your product while the CFO might be more interested in detailed product sheets to evaluate their decision in the buying process. 

2. Sort Out Content Topics

Intent data can help you get a clear understanding of, What your target audience is reading or downloading. 

It can help you get a clear idea about their interests. 

If they are looking for specific topics or categories, it gives you the benefit of serving them with relevant content that is a great solution for their pain points and resolves any specific concerns bringing you closer to your goals. 

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3. Analyze Content Gaps

Content Gap Analysis is a crucial part of creating a content strategy fueled with intent data. 

Analyzing content gaps can help you create more content based on specific topics that interest your target audience. 

It can also help you revamp or recycle older content on your website as per intent data.

4. Aligning Content with Sales Funnel 

Intent data does not only help you in understanding what your target audience is searching for but it also helps you understand at which phase of the buying journey your prospect is at.

In case they are on the awareness stage it’s time to reach out and prepare for the next stage. 

5. Personalized Content Highly Influences Buyer Journey

Personalizing content is easy with the help of intent data and detailed buyer personas

You can create landing pages, case studies, resource center content, etc. to support your ABM campaigns and attract more leads. 

You can also get more knowledge about the content topics your audience is interested in through intent data. 

Bottom Line

Using intent data gives you a chance to leverage the relationship with high-paying accounts. 

You can also revamp your ABM campaigns with intent data to retain the current customers, explore untapped markets and bring in more clients.